Friday, December 11, 2009

Grades Of Malignant Melanoma Hi, This Is My First Time Here, I Wonder If Anyone Here Has Been Diagnosed With Cancer & Pagets Of The Breast?

Hi, This is my first time here, I wonder if anyone here has been diagnosed with Cancer & Pagets of the breast? - grades of malignant melanoma

Although this is my 3rd Year of reference years ago I discovered my breast cancer. I (1) grade 3 IDC (2) grade 2 ductal carcinoma in situ (3) "bad" and microcalcifications (4), probably was the worst of Paget's disease of the breast, a rare cancer that affects only 1% of all cancers in women after menopause, usually VICS 60 / 65, I was only 42 when diagnosed. I am also ER & PMP - and HER2 +, but lymph nodes are clear, I can not strike help but feel as if everything goes back, largely due to Paget. I would like to be in a position to someone who has been through this or knows someone who suffers speak. I hate feeling this way especially since I live a large (6 kids) and family at a time. Sorry if I put a brake on anyones night, but so far I still wanted in the line that has drawn a blank on the Paget go. Thank you for persevering now xx


Gina L said...

Thank you sorry for your cancer. I am one months, 6 ... survivior IDC - triple negative. I belong to a Yahoo group for breast cancer ... There are over 2000 of us in the group ... I suspect that someone might answer your question. We range from newly diagnosed 20 years survival! We would be pleased to join our group!

Gina L said...

Thank you sorry for your cancer. I am one months, 6 ... survivior IDC - triple negative. I belong to a Yahoo group for breast cancer ... There are over 2000 of us in the group ... I suspect that someone might answer your question. We range from newly diagnosed 20 years survival! We would be pleased to join our group!

JACKS said...

Sorry to hear that. I had breast cancer in 2004, mastectomy, reconstruction was at the same time, the implant and the muscle had been removed again lymth nodes because they are affected by cancer. but not heard of Paget's disease. I hope someone can advise you, just want to say that all is well. take care and think positive. x

justwond... said...

N-buffer sister - neither of us survivors, "canceritis" - the feeling that all the aches and pains of cancer - I thought you could right elbow cancer this afternoon. lol! It's all so overwhelming, in my research, I read everything I can - you want to get the book Waking the Warrior Goddess. Please comment and the wonderful things you can do to prevent breast cancer. Good luck.

justwond... said...

N-buffer sister - neither of us survivors, "canceritis" - the feeling that all the aches and pains of cancer - I thought you could right elbow cancer this afternoon. lol! It's all so overwhelming, in my research, I read everything I can - you want to get the book Waking the Warrior Goddess. Please comment and the wonderful things you can do to prevent breast cancer. Good luck.

Diane T said...

Paget Not too sure, was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same age had been 42nd It was 14 years ago, I have great faith in God, I am convinced that he has cured me of my cancer.
I take some vitamins that I feel has helped keep cancer away. Vietnam e-800iu, 200 mg of selenium and coenzyme Q10.
Good luck to you, I say a prayer.

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