Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Abc Rental Center Functions Word Problem!?

Functions word problem!? - abc rental center

Suppose ABC Car Rental receives a fixed amount per day to rent, plus an amount per mile for a car. Heidi has rented a car one day and pay $ 48.50 for 190 miles. Recently I rented a car from the same agency, and paid $ 69,50 for 330 miles. Determine the linear function, the Agency could use to determine your daily rent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need a system of equations. Since there are two variables, you need two equations. They are:
48.50 = 190X + y where x is the cost per mile and is the startup cost.
= 330x + 69.50, and as above.
Solve an equation for y, so that
69.50-330X = y. You can then replace in this equation and in this way:
190X = 48.50 + (69.50-330X) Solve
48.50 = 69.50-140X
-21 =- 140x
X =, 15 then you can set the value of x in the original equation and solve for y
48.50 = 190 (.15) + and
And 48.50 = 28.50 +
20 = y.
At the end so that all that follows this equation:
A non-profit =. 15x 20

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