Saturday, January 9, 2010

Months Of The Year Bridal Shower What Should I Give For A February Themed Bridal Shower Gift?

What should I give for a February themed Bridal Shower Gift? - months of the year bridal shower

I have a bridal shower this Sunday and is governed by the month of the year. I February ... What do you think would be a suitable gift? I want to do something creative ... and I am determined!


Rachie Lou said...

To do as Cupid Dress (Tiara and bow and arrow!)

She read a poem for each letter:

F is for pages that fell in love .... (to them a mirror)
E is divided for all, without rancor .. To share (Give cake)
B is for best friends, because that is what they are ... (Friendship bracelets)
R is for romance in this bright star ... them (a rose)
U is for us the best friends today ... (give it a smiley face plate)
A birthday is every year to the day ... (Enter a timetable)
R is for romance, you need a lot of them ... (you can give them another pink)
And for years, full of fun, tears, laughter and chat ... (Give them a toy phone)

Best wishes .... Love you guys! Jazz

SisterSu... said...

Thus one could surely not .... Valentine's Day everyone agrees, but since February most of the country wet and uncomfortable, I had something to be aware that we are in most months of waiting for the sun rises in the spring to do.
I want to make a gift of the blockbuster CERT so that they can rent two movies, candy and popcorn to go with him, so that they can have a movie night. Maybe a gift cert to a local pizzeria. You could say something like: "Keep warm, and with an evening of film
I did have a little heart for Valentine's Day, maybe a gift CERT at Target for $ 6, allowing them to buy another card. And some say to go with him.
And then I would plant flowers in the spring onions - as Dahlia and a range for the plant .. and then the sentence would be: "February is the wind and cold, sunny day is to operate these bulbs. As the days sunny and warm ..... just grow flowers, and something that I do not see rhymes with heat.

SisterSu... said...

Thus one could surely not .... Valentine's Day everyone agrees, but since February most of the country wet and uncomfortable, I had something to be aware that we are in most months of waiting for the sun rises in the spring to do.
I want to make a gift of the blockbuster CERT so that they can rent two movies, candy and popcorn to go with him, so that they can have a movie night. Maybe a gift cert to a local pizzeria. You could say something like: "Keep warm, and with an evening of film
I did have a little heart for Valentine's Day, maybe a gift CERT at Target for $ 6, allowing them to buy another card. And some say to go with him.
And then I would plant flowers in the spring onions - as Dahlia and a range for the plant .. and then the sentence would be: "February is the wind and cold, sunny day is to operate these bulbs. As the days sunny and warm ..... just grow flowers, and something that I do not see rhymes with heat.

Jess said...

February is the coldest month of the year where I live, so give me some cold weather to do, like a blanket / throw, hot chocolate or coffee, etc. Or you could use a little cold, a survival kit for their time and slippers; a litter, two cups, a good snugglying-on-the-sofa couple of films, and a source of hot chocolate, tea, coffee and biscuits!

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