Monday, January 18, 2010

Internet Adapter I Have A Problem With Wireless Internet Adapter Saying It Has Good Connection But The Internet Wont Work?

I have a problem with wireless internet adapter saying it has good connection but the internet wont work? - internet adapter

I have a problem with one of my computers at home, I have a Linksys wireless networking and wireless adapter connected to my Dell computer. When I plug the Netgear has a complicated matter, and that the wireless connection, but when I access the Internet, he said, there was a problem loading the page. What should I do?


John S said...

Have you tried to turn the unit on the router .. let stand a few seconds .. then back to power?
This restart of the router

Do you need to gather more information to identify the problem .....

Click Start, click Run
Type cmd and press ENTER
Type ipconfig / all to enter, and press
Adjust IP address of the LAN connection to the wireless network ...
IP address should be in about 192.168. something.
NO 169,254 something
Default gateway should be similar to the IP address with the ending, but with 1 or 254 ... Example: or
if it is empty or all zeros .. You are not really connected to the wireless network.

The default gateway is the address of your wireless router.

More .. if you have a valid email address to the default gateway .. Try a "ping" (like a sonar ping to U-boats found)
Type ping (or whatever the IP address of the default gateway)
What do you reply or "Request timed out"?

If this faYOU .. ping itself .. We use a so-called "loopback" address. Fortunately, his equal in all teams.
Type ping and press Enter. To determine whether the requests for the return or timeout.
If the wait .. The problem is either with the wireless hardware on your computer or if you reinstall the drivers. In rare cases .. Need for the network stack in Windows reinstall. - But it's a whole 'tro question.

Finally .. If none of the time of the ping .. then try pinging the DNS server listed in ipconfig / all
DNS servers are coming from your ISP - it can not be accessed .. then you can not create a Web page.

The last recommendation is to call your ISP and see if they can help.

Another possibility is .. tro spyware problem, but a whole ".

Colanth said...

Is this a problem with every page? The connection to the router (probably If you can make this connection, call your provider for technical assistance. If not, try repairing the connection (right click) on the icon of the yarn.

Is this a problem with some sites, the Internet, not you.

Bunniccu... said...

I have DSL with a wireless card and a computer can go (usually when the weather is bad), the lights on the side of the modem / server, and when the light labeled "Internet" or flashing problem. Either wait, or try to rotate the cube and wait a minute, then turn it on.

ch3rriee said...

If you do this problem with URLs, then you have a problem with the Internet.
Your wireless network on your PC, simple as it is connected to the router, then it is up to the router to connect to the Internet.

Contact your ISP for help troubleshooting a broadband connection.

Raptarr said...

Sometimes you have to load the adapter to your computer as if it came with a disc
Other times you have to separate for a few seconds and then I again

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