Sunday, January 31, 2010

Homemade Remedies For Cough For A Infant Homemade Remedies For Cough/sore Throat For A Toddler?

Homemade remedies for cough/sore throat for a toddler? - homemade remedies for cough for a infant

The Czech said, lemon and honey and wonders of the VICS. Be sure to keep a humidifier every night. Many liquids. I dare say, a little apple cider vinegar mixed with a little water and honey? I have also tried with my daughter and she has no taste, but also helped to alleviate, cough in 30 minutes. But do not quote me on that, as I have read things differently from 1 and working with others. Always a pharmaceutical or perhaps if you find a herbalist in your area.

So a friend recommended that I VICS vapor rub on the soles of his feet and began to cover with socks. I have not tried, but nothing could help.

Good luck


palladin... said...

Gargling with salt water.

If you do this, which is not always the best herbal tea, taste of lemon, honey and a decrease in the cough mixture.

Salt water must be warm. this is fun for most kids, I'm still working and always. and salt kills germs and bacteria

Taste tea could, if used raspberry herbal tea-room and disadvantages cough lozenges Breezes. Everything really depends on your child and if they drink or not.

dmg said...

Gargle with salt water is the best home remedies for sore throat, I know - I use it all the time. However, do not think that I swallow gargle my son, "" no to salt water and then vomit. I'm in hot water with honey and lemon.

Georgie's Momma said...

Honey and chamomile tea cold. Do not use lemon, which can irritate the throat more. Honey works wonders and it does not bother me at all!

řada předně said...

Lemon juice and honey, mix together equal parts and give him a tablespoon as often as necessary, and you can use some Vicks on the chest

Linda R said...


christa said...


Siaynoq said...

How healthy is your child in danger, I thought it would be better suited to the safe and proven solution that is available without prescription in the pharmacy at all to use!

After all these compounds millions of pounds have been spent on research to ensure that they are safe for a child.
The company has a responsible life is at stake in providing us (consumers) with a safe and effective.

Or, of course, dig a few "old wives tales old and some experiments on our Victorian children, lol

Siaynoq said...

How healthy is your child in danger, I thought it would be better suited to the safe and proven solution that is available without prescription in the pharmacy at all to use!

After all these compounds millions of pounds have been spent on research to ensure that they are safe for a child.
The company has a responsible life is at stake in providing us (consumers) with a safe and effective.

Or, of course, dig a few "old wives tales old and some experiments on our Victorian children, lol

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